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Fight allergies with your tech

Keep keep track of pollen and other allergens in the air as well as important information to track your personal allergy struggles all in the palm of your hand.

Using apps to check your symptoms and help you determine whether you need a doctor are awesome tools but having an app for more specific needs is even better!

When you have allergies, knowing when to get extra help for them or when to avoid triggers is one of the most important things you can have.

Knowing where the closest hospital, urgent care or even grocery or drug store could mean the difference between life or death. There are apps available that you can customize according to your allergies that will help give you this life saving information when needed. 

Some apps feature a scanner that allows you to check ingredients of food and will alert you to things like, gluten-free, nuts, dairy and other allergens that would cause you trouble.

Apps that measure the pollen in the air along with overall air quality are saving many people the agony of what their allergies bring since these apps will let you know the current conditions as well as forecasted allergens so you can prepare and take medicine if necessary.

And if you’re not even sure what allergies trigger your medical troubles you can download one of many apps that will keep track of your symptoms and what triggers them to help you in determining the best course of action. These apps also help in keeping track of symptoms and triggers to easily be able to share with your medical professional.

While you’re downloading, be sure to include our FREE Into Tomorrow App where we keep track of all the latest tech which triggers lots of prizes being sent out for your participation!

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Written by Beth Gatrell

Beth has been a multiple hat wearer at "Into Tomorrow" since the very beginning .... Currently specializing in guest relations and promotions. And wears an additional hat as a Mom of 2 beautiful girls.

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