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Weekend of June 21st, 2013 – Hour 1

Tech News & Commentary

Marly shared a story about an augmented reality motorcycle helmet, you can find out more about it here:


John in Milford, Michigan, listening on CKLW 800, The Information Station and calling in via the App asked: “In regards to processor speed, memory and available apps, what is the best tablet on the market today?”


That’s kind of a tough question to answer.
Different tablets run different Operating Systems under different architectures, so really comparing them is not very easy.

If you go strictly by the power of the processor and the amount of RAM, Windows tablets will likely come out on top, the problem is, that may not reflect the actual end user experience. Windows 8, as much as it is more mobile than Windows 7, is not entirely built as a mobile OS, so the more powerful processor, and the extra RAM may not actually lead to a more satisfying user experience when compared to iOS or Android.

The programming languages each platform uses also has an impact. C and C-based languages are built to be super efficient, so anything built on C will likely be much snappier and resource friendly than something built on Java, that complicates things from Android and gives iOS and C-based Windows programs an edge.

The best or worst is probably less determinable by hardware and more by the use you want to give it, one could be the best for: gaming, the best for: productivity tools, the best for: integration with a certain technology, but it’s hard to judge them purely on hardware potential when so many things about each one makes them different from each other.

And we also have to say that it depends on how you define “tablet.” For example, we agree that the Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Note 10, Nexus 7, and Kindle Fire HD are all tablets, right? But what about the Microsoft Surface? Well, are we talking Surface RT or Surface Pro? Both are the same form factor, in fact they are impossible to tell apart at a distance. But the Surface RT runs a version of the Windows mobile OS, while the Surface Pro is a full-fledged Windows computer in a tablet form factor. And, as we already said, a tablet running Windows 8, the full edition of Windows 8 and not the mobile version, will have far and away the most powerful processors and the most RAM and storage.

So let’s leave you with this. There are really two great choices to make with respect to tablets: iOS (Apple) or Android (Google). Windows RT, the mobile version, didn’t catch on when Microsoft gave it a six month head start over the Surface Pro, and in our opinion it will fade away as people either choose the Surface Pro or stick with iOS and Android. So visit the local Apple store, try and ignore the condescension and arrogance, and check out an iPad. They are very, very good. Then hit up the local Best Buy and check out a Samsung Galaxy Note 10, which is just about as good a representative of Android tablets as you can find. Then make your decision.

Honestly, you won’t go wrong with either. Mark would tell you to get an iPad and I would tell you to get a Galaxy Note, and both of us would be right.

For more information tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast.

Consumer Reports Feature With Terry Sullivan

Lots of digital devices can capture video, including basic cameras, smart phones, and tablets. But there are some reasons you might still need a full-sized camcorder, says Consumer Reports. Associate Editor Terry Sullivan is here to explain.

The “Into Tomorrow” team discussed the latest apps that they have been playing with recently.


• Mark recommends: TuneBox, $4.99


      “TuneBox. In addition to my love of music, I also enjoy podcasts and other recorded audio MP3s that I don’t want cluttering up my iTunes library, which I prefer to keep to just music, TV, and movies. So what I do is download the files, stick the MP3s into folders in my DropBox, and run TuneBox. This app looks and works like iTunes, for the most part, but it ignores the music on my device and instead looks at my DropBox. It’s perfect for keeping my other recorded audio separate from my music files! TuneBox costs $4.99 in the iTunes App Store.”


      — Mark



• Marly recommends:Remember the Milk, FREE


    “Did you know 1 minute in planning = 10 minutes saved in execution? Well, for anyone still writing your to-do lists on sticky notes, random scraps of paper, or … the back of your hand like some people actually do … Remember the Milk is for you! Remember the Milk is much more than a grocery shopping list app or another web app task manager platform, it is a easy and fun to use tool to help manage literally ALL of your tasks and save you tons of time! You can categorize & tag personal / business / recreational tasks and it syncs with Gmail Tasks, Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook and even Evernote; adding tasks is a breeze via email, Siri, SMS Text Messages, even Twitter and more! Remember the Milk is FREE Pro Account is $25/year with added bells & whistles” — Marly


What are your favorite Apps? Let us know at 800-899-INTO and we’ll feature them in this segment!

Tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast for more details


Facebook Participation!

We asked: What do you think about iOS 7? Is the design too “flat” as they say? too different? We’ve been trying out the new software beta and so far, some on our Team like it. Some don’t. The design is very different but many say it’s more modern and hopefully a step forward in  competition for Apple. We want YOUR input!


Here are some of the responses that we got:

Dale in Akron, Ohio says: As an Android user. I think it looks fine. Is that the Samsung Galaxy S5??

Dean from Union, New Jersey said: Nice to see Apple “innovating” with the introduction (next Fall) of a “True Multitasking” feature directly copied (read: stolen) from the Palm Pre I was rockin’ in my pocket… 4+ YEARS AGO!!! — Not to mention the new (???) “Notification & Control Center” that also originated with the Palm Pre, as well as working great on my Android phone for the past 2 years!

Dale chimed back in with Funny you mention that. I was going to ask: How long will it be before you can customize it like Android?

Ray in Pompano Beach, FL: How long before Apple sues Samsung again for patent infringement?

I-andi I-omega from Hollywood says: thats the Apple” pay-back” to Samsung,now all Samsung has to do is sue Apple back and call it a” coupe de grace”

Tom in Albuquerque, New Mexico: oh Princess Tim (referring to Apple CEO Tim Cook), when I told you to innovate rather than litigate, i didnt say go back in time to Android. But its high past time these shortcuts, I have been griping about this for two years off and on.I would like to have that control center swiping NOW thank you.

Oh and Dave I wanted to say thanks for the headphones you guys sent me. They arrived when my “crApple” earbuds disappeared. And I have Dave in my pocket with the lip balm and breath mints 

Jim Hunt, Senior Vice President – GENCO

GENCO is a leading third party logistics provider (or 3PL) that delivers product lifecycle solutions to a wide variety of North America’s largest retailers, wireless carriers, and OEMs.

Jaime in Tampa, Florida listens via Zeno Radio asked: “I have one of those pocket HD radios by insignia. It seems like every couple months it goes dead. it lights up but no sound comes out. I’ve gone through 4 of these. Is there any reason it’s happening and what should I do about it?”


A lot of people seem to have the same problem you do with some Insignia radios (the NS-HD01 in particular).

And there is only one answer from the manufacturer: let the battery run out, fully charge it and then reset it by using a pin on the reset switch below the “hold” slider.

This works for some people, it doesn’t for other and it seems there may be a hardware issue involved, the official word from an Insignia Product Specialist is if that doesn’t work, use your warranty and get a replacement, so unfortunately, the only advice we can give you is keep replacing them while you can do that for free or try to get them to let you switch to a different model.

I’m so sorry you’re having trouble with your radio Jaime, that would irritate me greatly as well. Other than that advice, try a different radio all together, maybe?

For more information tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast.


Jon in Rocklin, California listening on the Podcast – and calling in via the App! called in with the following advice: “Hey Into Tomorrow Techperts, I wanted to call in response to Chris from Colombia who was looking for some keyboard options for her daughter who had some mobility issues on her right hand.Theres a company out there called frogpad. They make software and keyboards that allows you to use one hand to type. They make a special overlay for apple products. Its called Magic Frogpad; it comes with software and a keyboard for $69.99. They also make a bluetooth and USB Keypad called Frogpad 2. It comes out sometime this year and will cost $139.99. they also have software that you can put on your PC and clings you can put on your keyboard that will allow you to use a regular keyboard like a frog keyboard. It takes a bit to get use to, but there are tutorials online. Its at”

Thank you, Jon!

For more information tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast.

Comments from our COOL “Into Tomorrow” HOT Summer Giveaway!!!


Robert From Merritt Island, Fla listens on WMEL Radio in Melborne says: “Into Tomorrow” is very interesting, even to a non technical person.. Everything is explained in understandable terms

Reason for wanting to travel: Would like to hear about all the new products that are coming to the market

Lowell in Durham, NC listens on 680 AM says he subscribes to our TechNewsLetter but doesn’t yet have our FREE App and wants to travel with us to Berlin so he can see us “in action”.

Jacob lives in Alexandria, VA and says he Listens: on Talk 1260 Santa Fe New Mexico (?!) Heard about the giveaway: By Listening to the “Into Tomorrow” radio program.  Reason for wanting to travel: I can bring a real life user experience to the team and communicate to other team members the needs of everyday consumers.

Kim is from Columbia, TN Listens on 1510 AM Says: The program is great as it is, but I wish it was broadcast on the radio at a later hour. Reason for wanting to travel to Berlin for IFA: I enjoy the easy way you all explain the new technology and to have you there to explain and comment on products, etc., would be fun.

You may enter ONCE a week … AND … when you call-in, using our FREE APP or 1-800-899-INTO (4696) and we can HEAR you … we will BONUS you with yet another entry!!!  Good luck!!!

This Week’s Prizes for Our Listeners

eton: FRX3 – Hand Turbine AM/FM/Weather Alert Radio

Covington Creations: Earbud yo-yo — Now with Dave’s face on them! — A clever solution to tangled earbuds.

iolo: Copies of: Drive Scrubber – Erase data so it can NEVER be recovered.

SoundMatters: foxl – Pocket Sized portable Bluetooth Loudspeaker.


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Written by Dave Graveline

Dave Graveline is the founder, Host & Executive Producer of "Into Tomorrow" in addition to being President of the Advanced Media Network".

Dave is also a trusted and familiar voice on many national commercials & narrations in addition to being an authority in consumer tech since 1994. He is also a former Police Officer and an FBI Certified Instructor.

Dave thrives on audience participation!

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