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Weekend of August 2nd, 2013 – Hour 2

Tech News & Commentary

Richard from Raleigh, North Carolina listening via Newsradio 680AM WPTF asked: “I just heard you give directions on how to delete duplicate files on itunes before the gentlemen transferred his files to a new computer (07/19 Show). My trouble is that I did the same thing, deleting the duplicate files, but the duplicate files were from separate CDs and when I play the album, I lose those songs. Is there a way to keep from losing your songs playing on more than one album on iTunes?”


What iTunes will do is show you songs that are exactly the same (same length, same name, etc.), if the songs on the different albums are basically copies of each others they will show up when you search for exact duplicates, but you don’t have to delete them.

iTunes only shows you the songs, but you can, for example, sort by album and no select the duplicate songs from different albums and just select the rest before deleting.

It’s not the most sophisticated high tech solution, but it’s the easiest way to go about it, since iTunes will only search for duplicates and, according to the criteria it uses and regardless of what albums they belong to, it considers those to be duplicates of each other.

For more information, tune in to Hour 2 of our podcast.

“This Week in Tech History” Weekly Feature with Chris Graveline

Comments from our COOL “Into Tomorrow” HOT Summer Giveaway!!!

Joshua entered from Sparta, TN Listens to “Into Tomorrow” on Supertalk  99.7 FM WTN  Thinks we can improve the show by Putting a link to the app on your web page. We have it there!

Comments about the show:  Reason for wanting to travel: “Would love to see all the tech stuff and meet y’all”

Joseph of Columbia, TN also listens on WWTN 99.7 FM out of Nashville

He said his Reason for wanting to come with us to Berlin for IFA:  “I love all things tech and do my best to stay current so I can pass the information on to my students.”

Lance up in Fairbanks, Alaska listens on KFBX 970am and first Heard about the big giveaway: From the Radio station and the show.

Thinks we can improve the show by: “Being more like Oprah! (LOL) Give away more stuff.” And his reason for hoping to win the Summer Giveaway to Berlin: “It sounds like a lot of fun. My wife and I need a get away”. Chris and Sam can relate to that!

Mark of Jackson, Georgia listens on our FREE “Into Tomorrow” Podcasts Heard about the giveaway: On the Podcast and Watches ITTV every week at home on his laptop. He Subscribes to ITTV, Subscribes to our weekly TechNewsLetter and has our FREE “Into Tomorrow” app

Thinks we can improve the show by: “Adding more top 10 lists”.

Comments about the show: He said: “It’s a Great way to keep up with tech and I want to win and go with you to IFA for the chance to know the Into Tomorrow team and see incredible Berlin”

Donald from Newton, KS also listens to our weekly FREE Podcasts and said “Hanging with you guys at IFA would be a great experience to take “Into Tomorrow” beyond and beyond and beyond.”

You may enter ONCE a week … AND … when you call-in, using our FREE APP or 1-800-899-INTO (4696) and we can HEAR you … we will BONUS you with yet another entry!!!  Good luck!!!

Marilyn from Lewisburg, Tennessee listening via Supertalk 997AM WTN asked: “I am looking to get an updated version of a cell phone. Right now all I have is a pre-paid phone. It kinda looks like a Blackberry. I want to get up with the times. So I want a phone that can surf the net, but what i really want is a phone that takes great pictures and lets me stream live football games while I’m at work. Help me find this phone?”


Pretty much any newish phone will surf the web and, except for the very low end ones, most new phones can take very decent pictures. Your toughest requirement is streaming football games.

If you want the best experience, a phone like the Galaxy Note 2 would probably be your first choice, the screen is huge, and it’s an LTE phone, so the video should look crisp and you shouldn’t have to squint to find the ball. Now the Galaxy S4, an additional Samsung phone, also has the big screen, and LTE, but it’s a little smaller, if you are looking for a smaller size phone.

Unfortunately, watching NFL games live is not that easy… in the US the NFL has a deal with Verizon to stream games live and, eventhough they do have an app called Game Pass that people can use outside of the US to stream games, it won’t work here or in Mexico.

So, if streaming NFL games is a big deal to you, you may want to look the phone Verizon has to offer.

If watching the game live doesn’t matter to you, you can pay for Game Rewind, another app, and that one will work in the US and on non-Verizon phones. Unfortunately, access to Game Rewind will cost you $70, because this is the NFL: a non-profit organization.


For more information, tune in to Hour 2 of our podcast.


Anita in Margate, Florida listening via the Android App asked: “I was wondering does the surface tablet allow you to add programs and still have apps to download?”


Programs are apps are the same thing… computer programs are the same thing as software applications, but branding the mobile kind apps have made people think that they’re not those complicated things that come with an installer…

If what you’re asking is, can you run the kind of programs that you can under Windows and the kind of apps you’d run on a phone, to an extent you can if you’re using a Surface Pro and not an RT.

Phones are just less powerful computers, so typically, if a phone can do it a regular computer can too, the reason Fruit Ninja doesn’t get marketed to regular computers is that slicing fruit in half with a mouse is just annoying, but it might not be a terrible game on a touchscreen laptop.

The same goes for other apps, tilting your laptop all over the place to roll a little ball is not as effortless as tilting a phone or a tablet. Since the Surface is a tablet, those shouldn’t be major concerns.

The Surface is essentially a tablet that runs tablet stuff very naturally, and Windows stuff very uncomfortalbly (unless you plug in a keyboard and mouse), so anything that Windows will run this thing can run too, and anything the Surface RT will run, the Pro will also run, so the Pro allows you to run Windows and mobile apps.

Depending on what Windows programs you’re thinking of, keep in mind that as far as computers go, a Surface Pro isn’t very powerful, so anything that requires more powerful hardware won’t run well or at all on the Surface Pro.

Word, Excel, and that level of programs should run just fine though! Just don’t try to stick a high-end PC game on it.

And as for that app vs. programs branding confusion, we usually say that apps are smaller, simpler, and less expensive programs. That is, all apps are programs, but not all programs would be considered apps.

We hope that makes sense for you!

For more information, tune in to Hour 2 of our podcast.

Guest Segment:

Greg Liberman, CEO – Spark Networks


Dr. Lisa Gwynn, South Florida Medical Director – Children’s Health Fund & Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics – University of Miami

Mariano Legaz, Florida Region President – Verizon Wireless

This Week’s Prizes for Our Listeners

Akitio:Neutrino Thunder Duo – 2-bay Thunderbolt Hard Drive enclosure

V Moda Headphones: a variety of styles of the DJ Inspired, Hollywood Designed Headphones

Ventev: An assortment of tangle-free USB cables and battery cases for iPhones



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Written by Dave Graveline

Dave Graveline is the founder, Host & Executive Producer of "Into Tomorrow" in addition to being President of the Advanced Media Network".

Dave is also a trusted and familiar voice on many national commercials & narrations in addition to being an authority in consumer tech since 1994. He is also a former Police Officer and an FBI Certified Instructor.

Dave thrives on audience participation!

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