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Highlights from our Recent Remote Broadcasts – Hour 1

Ken Higgins Paul Schlatter James Randall
Ken Higgins, VP Worldwide Sales Hitachi GST Peter Schlatter, Director, Business Development – Hitachi GST James Randall, President & CEO – Seeker
Image of tablet running Toyota "Apps"
Doron Nissan Grant Odgers Ryan Fleming
Doron Nissan, COO – Seeker
Grant Odgers, CEO – Swiftpoint Ryan Fleming, Associate Editor – Digital
Cedric Hutchings
Cedric Hutchings, CEO – Withings

Consumer Reports with
Donna Tapellini

Have you ever been online and encountered music and videos that play automatically, Pop Up and Pop Under windows that launch on their own, and browser windows that open without navigation buttons? Donna Tapellini tells us to be careful and why.

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Written by Dave Graveline

Dave Graveline is the founder, Host & Executive Producer of "Into Tomorrow" in addition to being President of the Advanced Media Network".

Dave is also a trusted and familiar voice on many national commercials & narrations in addition to being an authority in consumer tech since 1994. He is also a former Police Officer and an FBI Certified Instructor.

Dave thrives on audience participation!

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