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Weekend of September 17th, 2010 – IFA Part 2 in Berlin, Germany – Hour 1


Bruce Anderson Fritz Andersen Jan Schwarz
Bruce Anderson, General Manager, Global Electronics Industry – IBM Fritz Andersen, CEO – Libratone Jan Schwarz, European Business Development Manager – Emtec
"Into Tomorrow" Announcement published on IFA International Daily Libratone Beat Wireless Speaker for iPhone, iPad, iPod & Macs/PCs Movie Cube Theater T800 by Emtec
“Into Tomorrow” Announcement published on IFA International Daily Libratone Beat Wireless Speaker for iPhone, iPad, iPod & Macs/PCs Movie Cube Theater T800 by Emtec
Rob kept falling asleep everywhere & on everyone's shoulder due to jetlag. Chris finally got his dose of Dunkin Donuts coffee in Berlin and is excited!
Rob kept falling asleep everywhere & on everyone’s shoulder due to jetlag. Chris finally got his dose of Dunkin
Donuts coffee in Berlin and is excited!
Phil O’Shaughnessy Erik De Rouck Gary Connell
Phil O’Shaughnessy, VP, Corporate Communications – Creative Labs Erik De Rouck, Marketing Manager – Pioneer Europe Gary Connell, VP, Business Development – Clickfree
Sound Station by Pioneer -- dual dock system for iPods/iPhones Clickfree Wireless Automatic Backup
Gaming headset by Creative Labs Sound Station by Pioneer — dualdock system for iPods/iPhones Clickfree Wireless Automatic Backup
A fan outside our broadcast studio Oktoberfest at IFA (Dave, Horacio & Rob caught drinking on the job!) Dave interviews a Bavarian  girl at IFA's Oktoberfest
A fan outside our broadcast studio Oktoberfest at IFA (Dave, Horacio & Rob caught drinking on the job!) Dave interviews a Bavariangirl
at IFA’s Oktoberfest

Consumer Reports:

“Tablet Computers” with Donna Tapellini

The iPad may be the digital version of a Swiss Army Knife, but laptops, netbooks and ebook readers are also great portables. How do you know what’s best for you? Donna has some tips to help you decide.

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Written by Dave Graveline

Dave Graveline is the founder, Host & Executive Producer of "Into Tomorrow" in addition to being President of the Advanced Media Network".

Dave is also a trusted and familiar voice on many national commercials & narrations in addition to being an authority in consumer tech since 1994. He is also a former Police Officer and an FBI Certified Instructor.

Dave thrives on audience participation!

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