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Weekend of October 15th, 2010 – Hour 1


Tech News & Commentary

Forrest in Roxboro, North Carolina listening to our podcast asked: “Listening to the IFA broadcast when you talked to ViewSonic about the 3D camcorder. How will 3D editing be done with the video you get off the camcorder?”

We haven’t tested the new consumer 3D cameras yet, but we did play a little bit with ViewSonic’s camera at our broadcast booth in Berlin. We’re starting to see some popular consumer video editing software programs adding 3D editing. You mentioned our interview with Roxio about their Creator 2011. You can convert 2D files into 3D or import 3D movies from a 3D camcorder. With the ViewSonic camcorder, you’ll be able to to transfer videos via USB or from an SD card. Creator 2011 costs just under $80.

Another program that works for 3D video editing is Movie Edit Pro 17 Plus HD from MAGIX. It costs under $80 as well.

For more information, tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast.

Consumer Reports:

“Verizon’s HopeLine Initiative (Recycling Electronics)” with Paul Eng

Disposal of old electronics poses a major challenge to our environment. Paul Eng tells us about a new program from a popular cell phone carrier that is helping to keep millions of devices out of landfills.

The “Into Tomorrow” team discussed the latest apps that they have been playing with recently.

  • For iPhone/iPad:Robrecommends: Instagram — FREE Download on iTunes. It’s a fun way to share your life in pictures with friends. Snap a picture, choose a filter to transform the shot, and then SHARE! You have to create a profile to use it, as it’s a social app. You can hit “like” on pics or comment on them. I just started the other day, and invite you to follow me. Search for “papaROBzi”. I’ll follow you if you follow me :-)Example:

    1) Picture of an adult beverage from Mercadito in Midtown Miami called a b.n.g.t.m. (big nose goes to Mexico) snapped on iPhone 4…

    Photo taken on Rob's iPhone 4

    2) Picture edited and uploaded with Instagram — I chose the “Lomo-fi” Filter…

    Instagram Picture on iPhone

    Chris recommends: NASA App for iPhone & iPod Touch — Get status updates on upcoming launches & live streaming of the NASA TV public channel. It’s a free app and they also have NASA HD, which is the same app, optimized for the iPad. It’s also free.

  • From Intel AppUp Store, Mark recommends:

Tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast for more details.



Guest in this hour:

Aaron Radin, CEO & Co-Founder – Toura

Toura enables publishers to efficiently build and distribute multi-media mobile applications to a variety of mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad and Android. They’re helping us visit popular museums virtually – from your phone.



John in Freedland, Pennsylvania listening on WRSC 1390 AM asked: “I used to have an ATI All-in-Wonder Video Card. It would also play on a TV. I now got an all-in-one PC with touchscreen and I’m wondering if there’s anything like the ATI All-in-Wonder that will work off a USB port.”

You can try the ATI TV Wonder HD 650 Combo USB. It will load your system with a complete set of media capabilities transforming your PC into an entertainment system. The ATI TV Wonder 650 is a high speed USB device that lets you enjoy over the air digital (ATCS) TV broadcasting on your laptop or PC Computer.

For more information, tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast.


Facebook Message from Anthony in Edmunton, Alberta, Canada asked: “Hey Rob! Gun to your head: If you saw what’s available now versus when the iPhone 4 came out, what do you consider the better smartphone? I am headed into West Edmonton Mall and they are holding a new 4 for me. I value what input you care to share, but I really am liking the new one. Thanks bro.”

That’s a little tough to answer personally because I really, really love the iPhone 4: better camera, faster, better screen. It’s not perfect, but it makes me happy 🙂

While I love my iPhone 4, I’m starting to dig Android. Samsung’s Galaxy S Series phones are really cool! For example, Verizon Wireless in the US has the Fascinate (very thin, Super AMOLED screen — brighter than iPhone4 — we’re playing with it now). Sprint has the Samsung Epic, which you probably saw our post about it on our “Into Tomorrow” Facebook Page and the HTC EVO. The only drawback is the battery life. Those phones don’t hold a charge like the iPhone 4 does. The brighter the screen, the more juice it needs. Gun to my head right this second: I say iPhone 4.


An email from Richard asked: “I am familiar with accessing my desktop over the web with things like “GoToMyPC”. I would also like to know how to access my desktop from my laptop by way of my wireless router. Is there some program that would facilitate this?”

For more information, tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast.


This Week’s Prizes for Our Listeners

chicBuds: chicboom keychain speakers

Keyware: “VeriKey” – A USB device that monitors all office computer activity. For managers to know what is happening on the company computers.

PG Key: “PG Key” – A device that plugs into your children’s computer’s USB port and immediately creates a safer and more “kid friendly” online environment.

Roxio: Copies of Creator 2011 – Software that allows you to edit videos and create DVDs, even in 3D.

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Written by Dave Graveline

Dave Graveline is the founder, Host & Executive Producer of "Into Tomorrow" in addition to being President of the Advanced Media Network".

Dave is also a trusted and familiar voice on many national commercials & narrations in addition to being an authority in consumer tech since 1994. He is also a former Police Officer and an FBI Certified Instructor.

Dave thrives on audience participation!

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