During this time of thanks is always a great opportunity to show your support and thanks to the men and women serving our country defending our freedom.
There are many foundations available that you can connect with to show your support with letters, donations and other needed items. Some of these organizations include Support Our Troops who allow you to send items to include in their care packages or donate money to help them fill them and then send to Troops.
Special Operations Warrior Foundation helps give financial and education counseling to families of Troops as well as scholarships for surviving children.
Support Your Troops is a cool message board where you can post a note of thanks and encouragement and you can also send a message of thanks by posting on the USO’s site.
Kids like using the Operation Care Package Kids. site to find ways to say thanks and send support.
By sharing a message, photo or video on Twitter , Facebook, or Instagram with #TROOPTHANKS, Bank of America will donate $1. for every message, up to $1 million, to Wounded Warrior Project which helps our veterans.
Race fans especially will want to check out NASCAR Salutes. where you can take part in showing your support as well as see lots of information about special events and programs for Troops and more.
And you can even send your thanks to the K-9 Troops by visiting US War Dogs Association
We would like to Thank our Friends serving our Country and hope they return home soon and safely to their families!