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Weekend of August 3rd, 2012 – Hour 2

 Tech News & Commentary

Chris in Vermont calling in via the App asked: “How do tablets fit into your daily life? Jim just got one of the new Google Nexus tablet and I got his hand me down iPad. We love the tablets, but I’d like to hear you discuss, where do they fit in? When I’m at my home office I have my computer for everything and when I’m away from my home I have my Droid Razr for most everything. So, how do you use the tablets? where do they fit in?”

You’d be surprised where and when you find people using there tablets. From keeping you busy on a long trip, or using it as a remote control in the living room. There are very few things you can’t do with a tablet. So it’s really up to you!

Andrew (The Intern): I use it mostly when I goes to school. I find it much easier than carrying around a laptop and charger.

Rob: To be honest, I thought I would be using my iPad more than I do my iPhone. But, it hasn’t been that way. I think I am still struggling with how it fits in my life. I used to see it as a bigger iPhone without the phone part. But, it seems I’m quite happy with the smaller screen. It’s more convenient to whip out an iPhone than an iPad to take a picture. And, you know how I’m addicted to Instagram. They still don’t have an iPad version. I don’t spend much time at home relaxing and watching TV. If I did, I would probably watch with my iPad more often so that I could Google people and shows I’m watching for more info. For now, the iPad serves three purposes: Email, Notes and Music (the iPod). When I’m on the road or at the office, I usually check my email on the iPad to get rid of messages I don’t need in my Inbox. I find it’s quicker to delete them from my iPad than it is from my computer. I always bring my iPad to meetings. I find it convenient to take notes with and then immediately email them to myself or those that were in the meeting with specific tasks and a recap. I also use it as my iPod, especially for my Zumba classes. To recap, I’d say the iPad is my iPhone’s companion. Only use it when I want to save my iPhone’s battery 😉

For more information tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast.

“This Week in Tech History” Weekly Feature with Chris Graveline

A Mimeograph in action

Steve listens to the Podcast and asked: “ASUS Dark Knight Wireless Router, wondering if you had any thoughts on that. I’ve been looking on the internet, it says it’s top notch, It’s a little pricey though, I found it for $169 something like that, $200, but I want to make sure it’s worth every penny. I know I’m a cheap… cheap…”


Well, the ASUS Dark Knight seems to be a pretty high end router, it is multiband, high throughput. It allows for a main internet connection and a backup connection which even can be WiMax or 3G, automatic WiFi scheduling, so the network doesn’t stay on when it’s not needed, up to 4 guests WiFi networks per radio. It also allows external USB storage devices to be added to the network.

The problem you may encounter with this router is that it’s actually more than you need. You might be able to buy a cheaper, simpler one that fits your needs just fine. If you don’t need WiFi scheduling, or DoS protection, or Telnet access for setting it up, a cheaper router might do the trick just fine.

This router is almost an entry level enterprise router. If you think you don’t need enterprise features, then you can go cheaper. But, if you like this model, it will probably serve you well.

For more information tune in to Hour 1 of our podcast.

Guests in this hour:

Jeff Somogyi, Media Editor –

Should you buy your college student an iPad versus a laptop? DealNews shares their “10 Reasons Not to Buy an iPad Instead of a Laptop for a College Student.”

PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT with Rob: Back-to-School Cell Phones & Voice/Data Plans

It’s back-to-school shopping time! Smartphones may be the most requested electronics this year. But, what is the most ideal cell phone for your kids? This week Rob shares some of the latest devices kids may be requesting on this week’s broadcast.


Andrew the intern in Studio and iDorking

Andrew (the Intern) outiDorking the iDork

Charlie in Santa Barbara, California listens on KTIP 1440 AM asked: “How do you stop the unsolicited videos of funny animals and things like that, that popup on my screen?”

What you’re seeing are flash ads on websites, you can stop them by disabling flash altogether, but that will obviously stop more than just that, or you can use some sort of ad blocker. If you use Firefox, Chrome or Safari you can use AdBlock as a browser extension, that will get rid of most if not all of the flash ads you see.

For Firefox, you can also look at Flashblock to specifically stop flash ads, which are probably the ones you’re seeing. You can also head to better quality websites… who’s showing you funny animals these days?

For more information tune in to Hour 2 of our podcast.

This Week’s Prizes for Our Listeners

AT&T: iHome Portable Rechargeable Mini Speakers

C.Crane: Senta Forty Premium Wooden Headphones

Microsoft: Copies of Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013 Software

NQ Mobile: Activation codes for NQ Mobile Vault (Premium Version) – An Android app that keeps your text messages, pictures, and videos safely hidden from prying eyes.

StrikeForce Technologies: Several Download Keys for GuardedID – anti-key logging software


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Written by Dave Graveline

Dave Graveline is the founder, Host & Executive Producer of "Into Tomorrow" in addition to being President of the Advanced Media Network".

Dave is also a trusted and familiar voice on many national commercials & narrations in addition to being an authority in consumer tech since 1994. He is also a former Police Officer and an FBI Certified Instructor.

Dave thrives on audience participation!

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