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Weekend of August 5th, 2011 – Hour 3


Tech News & Commentary

Daniel in Millrook, Illinois listening on 1440 AM asked: “I’m using a Windows computer and I’d like to run a Mac OS on it, or build a Mac system out of an extra PC that I have. And I’d like to get your newsletter in my e-mail.”

One of these is easier than the others… we’ll use the email you gave us to add you to our technewsletter, but it’s a double opt-in system, so you will be getting an email that contains a confirmation link, you will not be signed up until you click on that link. That’s our way to make sure you don’t get our newsletter unless you want it.

Running Mac OS X on a computer built to run Windows is actually not that simple. Apple’s official stance is that they believe that to make the best computer you have to built the software and hardware to ensure they run well together, what that means to you is that Apple software is meant to run on Apple built computers.

While Windows is made to be able to run on tens of different processors and hundreds if not thousands of different other components, Mac OS X is built to run only on a small set of components that Apple uses to build their machines. That means that if your motherboard is not one that Apple would use, OS X might not know how to talk to it, if your graphics card is not one that Apple is interested in using, Mac OS X might refuse to play nice with it, etc.

You said you’re willing to build a new system, and that’s a different story, non-Apple computers that run Mac OS X are called “Hackintoshs”, and there is plenty of help online to help you choose the right parts that will play nice with Mac OS X.

Here are some links that should help you get started:| |

For more information, tune in to Hour 3 of our podcast.

“Into Gaming Update” Weekly Feature with Mark Lautenschlager 

Joe in State College, Pennsylvania asked: “I was wondering if you could install Windows on a PS. My friend said it can be done but I have no idea how to do it. And if so, is it a good idea and does it work?”

You can… we don’t know if you should, but you can. In fact — for that matter — you can also install Linux and Mac OS X on a PlayStation , if you want to. A PS is just a very specific type of gaming computer, but it IS a computer and it runs basically on the same kinds of parts that make up regular computers.

If you really want to do this, the steps are simple:

1) Download a piece of software

2) Burn it onto a DVD

3) Pop it in your PlayStation

4) Restart and follow the prompts.

Now, considering you’re downloading software off the internet that install Windows onto a gaming machine without going through the process of paying Microsoft for a license, we’re going to guess you’ll be breaking a law or two.

Also, some of the software you can use to install the foreign OSs claim they will not harm your warranty, but we suspect Sony might have some legal text in the terms of that warranty making it void the second you install 3rd party operating systems that will attempt to control the various parts your PS3 is made up of in ways that Sony didn’t necessarily review and clear as safe. We may be wrong about this, but you may want to double check before doing anything.

If you still want to do this you can try PS3Magic, it seems to be the most popular software for porting Windows to the PS3.

For more information, tune in to Hour 3 of our podcast.

Nathan from Idaho Falls, Idaho listening on 1260 AM KBLI asked: “You played a pocket speaker on the program while speaking with the “Chief Rude Officer.” What is the speaker and who makes it? Thank you.”


Cyber Snipa Speaker


The “Chief Rude Officer” was Rude Gameware’s Michael Epstein, and the speaker was the Cyber Snipa CSAS001 Sonar Portable Mini Speaker you can find it online for about $19.99.

For more information, tune in to Hour 3 of our podcast.

Guests in this hour:

Scott Steinberg, Gaming Guru & Tech Expert
As parents already know, video games continue to be a resounding hit with all ages. Our next guest is gaming expert and joins us with picks for planning the perfect family game night. Scott – what’s hot?

IFA History Feature

“IFA History Feature” brought to you by Messe-Berlin

In 1966, an international conference authorized the European formats PAL and SECAM, and it was in 1967 at the 25th IFA in Berlin, when the German Chancellor Willy Brandt pressed the button to launch color television in Germany. The communist Eastern Germany, started two years later, but used the French SECAM system to keep their citizens from watching West Germany’s color TV – their favorite but illegal source of information and entertainment. Only big, expensive screens were available in color, and content very slowly made the transition to color.

That’s this week’s IFA Update brought to you by Messe-Berlin. Be sure to visit

Craig in Moreno Valley, California listening via our FREE “Into Tomorrow” Android App: “I’m a big Android fan, but was recently thinking about going to an iPhone. Big disadvantage for me with an iPhone would be the battery, not being able to change it. I work at a job for 8 hours and use my Android phone to stream podcasts and listen AM Sports radio all day through headphones. I go through 3 batteries with my Android. So, not being able to replace an iPhone battery would be a killer for me. Unless it works all day for 8 hours. Do you think Apple iPhone will ever go to a replaceable battery?”

With Apple you never know, they may change their minds tomorrow and come out with an iPhone with accessible, replaceable batteries, but we’re going to make an educated guess and say: No, you probably won’t see an iPhone with a replaceable battery.

Here’s why we think that: Out of their whole product line up: iPhones, iPods, iPads, laptops, everything that has a battery inside, how many of them have easily accessible and replaceable batteries? as far as we know: 1, the Apple remote control… Even the new MacBook Pros don’t have an easily accessible battery anymore!

The iPhone has a decent battery life and it would normally run fine for 8 hours, but 8 hours of constant internet access might be too much to ask…

There is a potential solution though, there are plenty of external batteries out there that can help you extend your phone’s battery life, have a look at the mophie juice pack, or the BluePack s2 and see what you think.

There are plenty of other options, if you don’t mind something a little bigger, the Zagg Sparq can take your phone from empty to full 4 times before running out of juice, but it is a little larger and it might bother you to have to carry it around all day every day, the PowerMat Dual 1850 is compact and pretty powerful, and you don’t need to charge it with a PowerMat if you don’t have one, but you’ll probably pay a premium for the having option to comfortably charge it by just setting it down on a PowerMat.

Have a look at your options, but we would advice you against waiting for an iPhone with replaceable batteries because Apple seems to be moving in the complete opposite direction.

For more information, tune in to Hour 3 of our podcast.

Listener and Facebook friend Shawn asked: “Hey guys, welcome home! I have a quick question… Music With Me, I was looking online for it, but it hasn’t launched yet? I am really looking forward to that and was curious as to what you have found. Thanks!”

For those who may not be familiar with “Music With Me” … it’s an app that allows you to wirelessly sync music from your PC or Mac to your Android phone. And, it lets you get your iTunes music on your Android phone.

Also, “Music With Me” takes all the music that you listen to and makes it shareable through your social networks. In fact, they say it’s “Like Instagram for Music. Use It to Share Your Life’s Soundtrack.” For example, every time a song is played on your phone, you are given a notification that allows you to share it.

Another social integration is the “discover” feature, you can view all the music that is currently being shared everywhere, listen to a preview and purchase it for yourself. Music with Me is now available from the Android Market and is a free download.

Tune in to Hour 3 of our podcast for more details.

If you have any questions about any of this week’s show info,
please email us here.


This Week’s Prizes for Our Listeners

C.Crane: Several Super USB WiFi Antenna

Endangerbles: Several music CDs to help children learn about endangered species

VSO Software: Copies of Convert-X-to-DVD 4 – Lets you convert videos to DVD and watch on any DVD player.

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Written by Dave Graveline

Dave Graveline is the founder, Host & Executive Producer of "Into Tomorrow" in addition to being President of the Advanced Media Network".

Dave is also a trusted and familiar voice on many national commercials & narrations in addition to being an authority in consumer tech since 1994. He is also a former Police Officer and an FBI Certified Instructor.

Dave thrives on audience participation!

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