Gas prices are much more manageable these days and with the help of your tech you can find the cheapest gas in your area so you can save even more.
Sites like Mapquest give you a listing and map of gas stations in your area along with the latest posted price.
Gas Price Watch is a fun site that not only lists the latest posts of gas prices and maps but also lists tips on saving gas and lets you become a spotter to win prizes.
Auto Blog and Motortrend list cheap gas prices and you can also do a Google search for the least expensive listings in your area.
A favorite of many is Gas Buddy which not only lists cheap gas prices but also offers lots of additional information like blogs, tips, rewards, maps and more including a mobile app so you can always get to the cheapest gas.
Other cool fuel apps to try include Gas Guru, Fuelzee and Gas Tracker
We hope you travel safely to get your cheap gas and don’t forget to cruise by and visit us “Into Tomorrow”!