On this edition of “This Week in Tech History”, Chris reminds us of one of Thomas Edison’s most famous inventions. Also, the first instant camera is unveiled.
This week in 1878 – Famed inventor Thomas Edison, patented a music player at his laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ. (This music device is the one we know as the phonograph.)

1947 – Edwin Land demonstrated the Polaroid Land Camera to the Optical Society of America in New York City. It was the first camera to take, develop and print a picture on photo paper all in about 60 seconds. The photos were black and white. The camera went on sale the following year.

1953 – The new fad in America was 3-D, as demonstrated in the movie, “Bwana Devil”. The 3-D feature opened at Loew’s State Theatre in New York City.

And this week in 2000 – Windows 2000 Professional Edition was released. Windows 2000 was referred to as “the next generation NT operating system” that Microsoft said took four years and cost over $1 billion to develop.