With summer vacations in full swing now is a great time to turn to tech for help with travel plans.
Favorite sites including Orbitz, Expedia, Travelzoo and Trip Advisor are great places to check for deals on flights, hotels and more. All of these sites have some great deals on last minute travel plans especially if you don’t mind where you’re going as some places are cheaper and have better deals than others. These sites also include free mobile Apps that will help in planning your trip and checking in.
Many airlines including Delta will offer specials when booking online as well as the ability to add or make changes to your reservations. And their free mobile Apps even let you check in right from your phone!
If you’re not sure where you’d like to take that vacation, you can check online with each state to see what they have to offer or even check out Google Earth to see just where you’d like to be.
You might like sites such as Parents who offer some great ideas.
And if you need a place to stay, Hotels.com and Hotels Tonight have you covered with some great last minute deals as well.
Happy and safe Travels … “Into Tomorrow”!