February is American Heart Month and by using your tech and heading online you can get all the helpful tools and information you need to stay heart healthy.
The American Heart Association has an awesome website providing great information on what you can do to prevent heart disease, warning signs, blogs, research, videos and more including ways to donate.
They even have special events that help kids learn about heart health like the Jump Rope for Heart event which is being done in many schools across the US.
You can gather more information from The CDC which helps with tips on things you can do to keep your blood pressure down along with plenty of other great information and resources.
If you’d like to read more on ways to prevent heart disease, make lifestyle changes, recipes, exercise tips and things you can do to keep your heart in the best health, check out Health Central.
Not only will you find some great educational information but, Go Red for Women also gives you the opportunity to share your stories, show your support and get involved.
You can even find all the help you need online to eat heart healthy with sites like Mayo Clinic, Eating Well, Everyday Health and more.
Women Heart is another great place for information on healthy hearts as well as details on their Heart of Style tour which is bringing free mobile screenings to women.
And if you’d like to check out some mobile help for your own, download Apps like Cardio’s Heart Rate Monitor or Instant Heart Rate which can give you the help you need wherever you are at any time.
We wish all of our friends great heart health!
<3 “Into Tomorrow”