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Cyber Check Your Kids

Do you know what your kids are doing online? 

With social media being as popular as ever and more young kids communicating with cell phones it’s hard to keep track of everything they are doing online. 

There are things parents can do to help make sure their kids are making the right online choices as well as making sure they are not victims of cyberbullying! 

There are many apps available that will allow you to monitor your child’s online activity. 24/7 access to their text messages, emails, social media activity and even photos.

A good idea is to download their favorite social media apps and become familiar with them yourself.  

Kids are great at hiding things and unfortunately they seem to be one step ahead when it comes to social media even going as far as to have social media sites where they allow family to connect with them but then make separate accounts that they will only connect with friends and may use those platforms to post things that may not be appropriate or allowed. 

Be sure to talk to your kids and keep an open line of communication with them educating them on the dangers of social media and remind them that they can always come to you and other safe adults like their school resource officers with any trouble they have online.

Another great thing to do is to have random phone checks where you take the phone from your child while they are actively using their social media and see what they are doing. If kids know you will be checking and are actively involved with social media there’s a better chance at them acting responsibly online.

WIshing you safe travels online and inviting you to stop by and download our free Into Tomorrow app which is always a safe way to give you  the latest tech news and information.

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Written by Beth Gatrell

Beth has been a multiple hat wearer at "Into Tomorrow" since the very beginning .... Currently specializing in guest relations and promotions. And wears an additional hat as a Mom of 2 beautiful girls.

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