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Polaroid Releases New Wi-Fi Enabled Action Camera

Polaroid announced the Polaroid Cube+ Wi-Fi enabled camera and a companion website

Polaroid Cube

Not just for extreme sports

Polaroid wants to challenge the notion that action cameras are just tools for extreme sports fanatics and bring them instead to everyday consumers and families.

That may just be a marketing pitch though, since the accessories they will be selling for the camera make it clear that they are ultimately aiming for the GoPro crowd.


The Polaroid cube can be paired with:

Polaroid Cube+ Mounts

  • A tripod mount
  • A bicycle mount
  • A strap mount
  • A helmet mount
  • A water proof case
  • A water proof case with a suction mount
  • A bumper case

Other than the tripod mount, all of those sound very much like “action” accessories that the “extreme sports fans” would buy for their GoPros.


The Cube+ cameras are capable of 1440p HD video – higher quality the 1080p but less than 4k’s 2160p resolution – and can shoot at those resolutions for 90 minutes.

If still pictures are you thing, the camera can shoot 8MP stills.

Wi-Fi connection

Like GoPro’s own lineup, Polaroid’s Cube+ relies on Wi-Fi and an app rather than an internal screen to act as a viewfinder.

As much as some people dislike having to reach for their phones to get a glimpse through these action cameras’ eyes, it does make sense. The Cube+ is 35mm3, that’s 1.38″ x 1.38″ x 1.38″, even if you could somehow squeeze a screen and it’s controller in there without having to make the camera larger, would you really want to frame a video based on what you see on a 1.38″ x 1.38″ screen?

Pythagoras tells us that 1.382+1.382=(Screen’s Diagonal)2 which means that framing video on that screen would be the equivalent of  using a 1.95″ TV.

As annoying as it may be to take out your phone and connect it to the camera’s Wi-Fi, it is still more reasonable than pretending than you’d be able to frame the shot properly on a 1.95″ screen.

Polaroid CUBE Club

Polaroid Cube Club
Polaroid Cube Club

With the launch of the Cube+ Polaroid is introducing the CUBE Club as a community of amateur photographers and videographers.

Uploaders will have the opportunity to win prizes for their submissions to thematic “assignments” that will include seasonal and cultural elements such as: CU BE Spooky, CU BE Thankful, and CU BE Merry.

The winners in each category will receive a free Polaroid Cube+ bundle which includes both a camera, and accessories for it.

Pricing and availability

The Cube+ is available right now for $149.99 with a 128GB Micro SD card.
Accessories range from $17.99 to $39.99.

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Written by Dave Graveline

Dave Graveline is the founder, Host & Executive Producer of "Into Tomorrow" in addition to being President of the Advanced Media Network".

Dave is also a trusted and familiar voice on many national commercials & narrations in addition to being an authority in consumer tech since 1994. He is also a former Police Officer and an FBI Certified Instructor.

Dave thrives on audience participation!

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